Okay, so first off can I just say, George, I can't believe that your mission is over! I bet that your homecoming talk was nothing short of inspirational. Wish I could have been there for it but I guess we will be waiting a little bit longer before we can hang out again. Anyway, congrats. You served your mission for the Lord faithfully, something that I am trying to do now.
Things here have been a little rough lately with the missionary work but things are getting better. These next few weeks we should have 3-4 baptisms and we should be working out government related marriage problems, or at least on their way to being resolved.
Elder Dorff and companion, Elder Paredes |
So I had a couple of, "Just in Africa" moments here this past week. First, Elder Paredes and I went and worked in the Campos. That means we dug in the ground after the rain (we have had a lot of rain lately), planted seeds, and then covered them up. That sounds easy right? Well, remember that we are on a volcano and not all the campos are flat. Super rocky and mountainous. It was sweaty work but it was fun.
We helped out a member and then he repaid us the favor by taking us fishing today (p-day). Now before, in the states, when I went fishing we could buy bait, fish with a rod, and usually had a calm lake to fish in. Well, here we had to hunt down our bait (man, those little black crabs, like at Dana Point, are really fast), didn't have a rod (but rather just a piece of iron for a sinker, hook and fishing line attached to a Coke bottle) and fished in the ocean (which is incredibly difficult without a pier but possible). Elder Paredes and I caught nothing but, Edy, our member friend, caught a fish bigger than both our heads. It was fun.
Elder Dorff and Edy |
Mom, it sounds like you are having fun with school again. If I miss anything a lot, it would probably be, well family, of course, but also BYU. I was sitting here thinking, "I think that BYU started school today if not last week..." I miss school but I'm good. I am glad that I still have more of it to do after the mission.
Well, love you all and take care. Email/DearElder/Mail me if you want me to know about your life! I know you might not think I care but I want to know about stuff in your lives! All you peoples!
Elder Dorff